Luxart products combine aesthetics with functionality providing a unique solution to the artificial lighting of outdoor spaces, particularly those located away from illuminated areas. By storing solar energy and delivering it in the form of light for up to 15 hours, Luxart's self-lightening stones, create a remarkable feeling in corridors, swimming pools and any kind of exterior or interior design. Furthermore, the cost of illuminating an external route is considerably reduced, as the need for electrical installation and constant replacement of lighting elements and lamps is eliminated. The products are available in three different colors (emerald yellow, sky blue and sea blue) and seven different grain sizes. Εven though Luxart's products are used mostly for decoration, they are classified under energy saving and green growth.
LuxArt Self-lightening Stones
With Luxart's self-lightening stones -a short of photovoltaic stone-, the total cost of illuminating an external...
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