Το 100% Hotel Show διοργανώνει μια σειρά από Workshops με κορυφαίους ομιλητές, με στόχο να πληροφορήσει το Ξενοδοχειακό κοινό του.
Στόχος του workshop είναι να παρουσιάσει ποια στοιχεία ψάχνει το ταξιδιωτικό κοινό των Βιλών, και πώς μπορεί ένας Villa Owner να τα αναπτύξει.
- Curator
:Χρήστος Γκέκας, CEO & Founder - BlueVillas & BV Consulting
- Η παρακολούθηση είναι δωρεάν και χρειάζεται προεγγραφή.
- Για πληροφορίες επικοινωνήστε στο 210 9408714 ή στο info@hotelshow.gr
Παρακολουθείστε το Workshop Online παρακάτω:
#MeetTheCurator| Χρήστος Γκέκας

Born and raised in Athens, Greece, Christos Gkekas holds a diploma in Mechanical Engineering. However, from an early age, Christos dedicated his summers to working in the family hotel in Northern Greece. After some years of gaining valuable experience in 5-star luxury hotels on Mykonos and later as a sales executive in luxury travel agencies, Christos came up with the idea of BlueVillas. Knowing he had to put his knowledge and expertise to full use, in 2011 BlueVillas was born! Initially, the company started with only 12 villas in Santorini. The next year saw 8 more added in Santorini and 10 in Mykonos. Although BlueVillas first started offering only accommodation, soon Christos’ passion and drive for excellence led him to understand that bespoke and personal service is vitally important in the luxury hospitality industry. Thus, the development of a dedicated, well-trained, and on-site BlueVillas concierge team on each island was successfully established. Christos has seen the company undergo many changes as it grows, but his dedication and professionalism in the luxury travel industry remains a constant, his bright out-going personality and his authenticity, means BlueVillas is firmly on the map and going places!