The 100% Hotel Show 2018 came to a close with a significant increase in the number of visitors (attendance topping the previous event by 21%), with Hoteliers and Architects as well as a broad range of professionals from the tourism industry trusting the Show to keep them up-to-date.
The sixth 100% Hotel Show ended with tremendous success, recording an increase of visitors that exceeded 21% during the 4 days that it lasted. The main feature of the 2018 event was the high quality of both the participating companies and the visitors, which enhanced the premium profile of the event, marking the evolution of the 100% Hotel Show into the leading event of the Greek Hotel Market.
In addition to the impressive stands and high quality participations by companies and brands from Greece and abroad in the Architecture, Build and Design area, it was the special segments of Digital & Sales, Wellness & Housekeeping and Food & Serve which stole the show and were amongst the most powerful aspects of the exhibition. More specifically, the Digital & Sales segment stood out for the integrated range of proposals it offered, with visitors talking about the most important point of reference in the sales and promotion of a hotel.
The 100% workshops were yet again the top feature of the event attracting more than 4,000 professionals, with their topics and speakers raising the bar, thus helping this institution grow into the biggest training event for hotels of the year. Moreover, the Hotel Design Awards were one of the highlights of the event, with the award ceremony taking place in a room full of high-ranking executives from the sector of hotels and architecture, and all the shortlisted hotels attracting the admiration of visitors for their high standards and the winners enjoying significant privileges.
As a result of all the above, a broader range of visitors came to the 100% Hotel Show, i.e. people from various departments of hotels seeking targeted solutions and applications in the special segments of the show and looking to upgrade their know-how in the training sessions. As the 100% Hotel Show takes on a more universal character in the Greek tourism market, our goal is to enhance its international profile, since the level of the event allows for significant activities targeted outwards.

A few words from the 100% Hotel Show Team
The team of the 100% Hotel Show would like to thank the visitors and exhibitors who participated in its sixth event, and contributed towards making it the leading event for the hotel sector.
The plans for 2019 begin fairly early, since the institution will remain active both through the 100% Hotel Workshops Tour traveling to various destinations in Greece this next spring, as well through its blog, with interesting topics posted throughout the year.
Special thanks are also extended to important associates who contributed greatly to the uniqueness of the show:
- Architectural firm Aspasia Taka for the impressive design of the entrance, and construction company Chrysi Tomi for the erection of the necessary special structures.
- Architectural firm Potiropoulos+Partners for the design of the 100% Workshops Stage and company Epikyklos for the final configuration and completion of the structures.
- LG for the digital support of the show at all levels.
- Future Needs for the unique VR experience offered at the entrance, in cooperation with Samsung.
- The Art Director of the event, Vasilis Papadatos Visual Communication, who once again impressed with all his creative printed and electronic work designed for the 100% Hotel Show 2018.