Chnaris Hotel Management, Development & Consulting S.A. / CHC HOTELS BRAND
Hotel Management
“Chnaris Hotel Management, Development & Consulting S.A.” fully undertakes the Hotel Management with the aim to help its hotel owners – partners to achieve their strategic plans resulting in:
- Maximizing the profits, minimizing the costs and maximizing the quality offered, completely taking advantage of the valuable company’s staff members’ experience as well as its most up-to-date administration techniques.
- Increasing the hotels’ brand awareness as well as their commercial value, through their perfectly successful operation.
- The hotel owners – partners’ satisfaction by their in-between cooperation.
The experienced staff members of Chnaris Hotel Management, Development & Consulting S.A. fully undertake to increase a company’s revenues while reducing its operational costs, taking always into account the exceptional service and the guests’ complete satisfaction. They keep up with the daily reservations plans and they always try not to have an empty room, using the company’s means and acquaintances.
They inform the Hotel Owner on a daily basis sending him a Daily Report & statistics, concerning not only the financial data (% hotel’s occupancy, Rooms net & sale price – cost etc) but also the operational ones, achieving a good Human resources management. This means that they daily watch out for the best allocation of employees, so that there are not more employees than needed, according to the number of the hotel guests. A company’s highest cost is its human resources, which when correctly managed, the cost can be reduced without necessarily reducing the provided quality and service.
The people of Chnaris Hotel Management, Development & Consulting S.A. also undertake responsibly the reduction of the Food & Beverage cost while at the same time they achieve the guests’ satisfaction increase concerning this sector. They are also responsible for the hotel’s staff training, organizing special courses and seminars for them before the beginning of the season.
They are responsible for promoting the Hotel unit through the web net (e-Marketing), the magazines and the company’s acquaintances with a variety of tour operators.
The company’s experienced staff members may draw the Revenues & Costs Budget, achieving guaranteed results, always in accordance with the hotel owner’s objectives and the hotel’s policy.
There are various services the company has to offer and it has already achieved excellent results such as the Technical study and analysis on the operation of a kitchen, a buffet, a Show Cooking action and of a la carte restaurants (Chinese, Italian, Gourmet etc), the technical and health & Safety inspection of a hotel, as well as the support and operation of a Modern Spa Center.