Web Hotelway
Personnel Training
They say that at the end of the day, what's left is the smile. Let's adjust it a little bit in our own data:
At the end of a stay, what's left is the smiles. Satisfaction of our visitors on the one hand, good disposal of our staff on the other.
The people of a hotel make the difference between an excellent and an unforgettable hospitality experience. That's why the style and personality of each hotel should not just reflect on their faces. After all, reflection is often misleading. They must be in their heart.
The management and training of your human resources is of course one of our services. Starting from the design of all functions -even the root redesign of them if necessary- we continue with the definition of how each department works, and each job. Then we define the profile of the accommodation, which in turn determines the physiognomy and approach of the staff. This is based on the evaluation, selection and personalised education- both the existing executives and the new ones if needed.
Finally, implementation in practice. The welcome, the service, the identification with the brand values of the property. From the beginning, to the end of the day...