100% Hotel Show enters its final preparation period with a notable participation of exhibitors from sectors related to the development of the hotel product.
Just one month before the event, more than the 85% of the total exhibition area has been covered, with some of the major participating companies presenting innovative solutions and suggestions for the hoteliers and tourism specialists.
As November is the ideal month for new collaborations, hoteliers who will visit the fair will have the opportunity to make valuable and profitable deals with the participating companies while being benefited by the comfort of time left until the start of the next tourist season.
A significant upgrade of the overall visiting experience is expected to be achieved through the specialized workshops by distinguished companies of tourism, such as Web Hotelier, Nelios, Toposophy and Destsetters, during which the latest trends of the hotel market, as well as suggestions for the Greek Hotel product development, will be presented.

Interesting combination of parallel events
The parallel events of 100% Hotel Show will be one of the highlights of the fair, becoming a reference point for the visitors. Separated into Events and Workshops, the parallel events will give the visitors the opportunity to participate interactively and gain valuable advice and knowledge. Events During the exhibition, visitors will have the chance to visit GTP ISLAND and meet some of the most important Greek Travel Agents, while the impressive Hotel Design Awards will be presented through special installations, at the entrance of the exhibition. The central Lounge will be used as the Gastronomic Hot Spot, where, in collaboration with FNL Guide, original culinary proposals will be presented to the guests.
Workshops are expected to intrigue the visitors’ interest, as some of the most important tourism companies, such as Web Hotelier, Nelios, Toposophy and Destsetters, will share their knowledge, giving advice and solutions to their audience.