You may find below the updated list of collaborating hotels, as well as their special rates. During your communication with each hotel, please do not forget to confirm the availability and always make sure to mention that the reservation is being made on the occasion of 100% Hotel Show, so that the correct discount is provided.
Civitel Attik

Prices from 85,00 euros
Civitel Esprit

Prices from 105,00 euros
Civitel Olympic

Prices from 125,00 euros
Crowne Plaza

Prices from 100,00 euros
Holiday Inn

Prices from 100,00 euros
Holiday Suites

Prices from 90,00 euros
Ipel Home

Prices from 80,00 ευρώ
Metis Urbane Living Spaces

Prices from 85,00 euros
NEW Hotel

Park Hotel - Paiania

Prices from 47,50 euros
Periscope Hotel
